Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Monday, December 22, 2008
Fulvia Boriani Luciano

(Above: Fulvia Boriani Luciano's View from the Breakdown Lane. Series of four. 2005. Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Fulvia Boriani Luciano's View from the Breakdown Lane, IV. 2005. 16" x 15". Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Fulvia Boriani Luciano's View from the Breakdown Lane, III. 2005. 16" x 15". Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Fulvia Boriani Luciano's View from the Breakdown Lane, II. 2005. 16" x 15". Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Fulvia Boriani Luciano's View from the Breakdown Lane, I. 2005. 16" x 15". Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Detail of Fulvia Boriani Luciano's Venezuelan Symphony. 2008. Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Fulvia Boriani Luciano's Venezuelan Symphony. 2008. 37" x 38". Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Fulvia Boriani Luciano's Textile Ruins. 8" x 12". Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Fulvia Boriani Luciano's Moon Rust. 2005. 52" x 18". Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Detail of Fulvia Borciani Luciano's Haiku II. 2004. 27" x 16".)

(Above: Detail of Fulvia Boriani Luciano's Haiku I. 2004. 27" x 16". Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Fulvia Boriani Luciano's Haiku I and Haiku II. 2004. Each panel, 27" x 16". Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Fulvia Boriani Luciano's Google Earth: Orinoco Delta, Venezuela, detail. 2008.)

(Above: Detail of Fulvia Boriani Luciano's Google Earth: Orinoco Delta, Venezuela. 2008.)

(Detail of Fulvia Boriani Luciano's Google Earth: Orinoco Delta, Venezuela. 2008. Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Fulvia Boriani Luciano's Google Earth: Orinoco Delta, Venezuela. 2008. 40" x 48". Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Fulvia Boriani Luciano's Ginko. 2005. 32" x 14 1/2". Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Detail of Fulvia Boriani Luciano's Ginko. 2005. Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Detail of Fulvia Boriani Luciano's Farmer's Almanac. Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Fulvia Boriani Luciano's Farmer's Almanac. 29" x 24". Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Detail of Fulvia Boriani Luciano's Canaima, Salto Angel (Angel Falls). 2008. Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Back of Fulvia Boriani Luciano's Canaima Salto Angel (Angel Falls). 2008. Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Fulvia Boriani Luciano's Canaima Salto Angel (Angel Falls). 2008. 27" x 30". Click on image to enlarge.)
Fulvia Boriani Luciano is a fantastic art quilter with an amazing background and a great resume. She represents a unique aspect of the fiber arts Internet community. She represents how access to blogs, websites, and on-line opportunities can introduce fiber artists living in close proximity to one another. Because of CYBER FYBER Susan Lenz, the exhibition coordinator, was introduced to Fulvia Luciano. Throughout the year no other source would have brought these two contemporary fiber artists together despite the mere hour drive between them. (Susan waited until December to finally invite Fulvia to be part of CYBER FYBER....just to see if any other arts resource would have steered them into contact with one another! None did.) Both reside in South Carolina.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Emmy Schoonbeek, embroiderer and TAST fiber book

(Above: Emmy Schoonbeek's Garden. Art quilt. 18" x 16 1/2". Hand and machine embrodiery. Beading. Click on image to enlarge.)
Emmy Schoonbeek, of The Netherlands, is the fantastic embroiderer who has created a fiber book from her TAST challenge of 2008. I've created a video of this wonderful art book. Her hand stitching is just amazing. Along with the fiber TAST book, Emmy sent Garden and Overvloed to be displayed at CYBER FYBER.

(Above: Detail of Garden. Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Overvloed by Emmy Schoonbeek. 15 1/4" x 17 1/4". Hand embroidery and beading. Needle felting. Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Detail of Overvloed. Click on image to enlarge.)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Annica Lindsten, Sweden

(Above: Looking Closely. Handpainted silk fabric, needlefelted with wool fibers. Handstitched. 14" x 10". Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Detail of Looking Closely. Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Far Away. Hand-painted silk fabric, needlefelted with wool fibers. Handstitched. Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Detail of Far Away. Click on image to enlarge.)
Annica Lindsten is a fabulous embroiderer in Sweden. She was influential with the 2008 Swedish Embroidery Symposium. Because of her blog-promotions, an international faculty was selected and international students (like me!) attended. Below are some of the earlier words that had been this blog post!

(Above: Annica, Sara Lechner, and I in Stockholm!)
UPDATE! August 2008!
The experience of going to Sweden, meeting blogging buddy Annica, taking class with Tilleke Schwarz, getting to know Sara Lechner, and stitching with fellow fiber enthusiasts from Sweden and beyond was WONDERFUL! If this fabulous week isn't one of the best reason for establishing an Internet community of like-minded artistic spirits, I don't know what is! Annica will be sending work for CYBER FYBER. Her embroidery is as magnificent as her personality....and that's saying A LOT!
Sharon Boggon, Stitch expert, TAST and TIF organizer
Sharon is an international fiber artist and teacher. She developed the 2007 on-line challenge TAST (Take a Stitch Tuesday) and the 2008 on-line challenge TIF (Take it Further). She also created the social network forum stitchin fingers and wrote the best on-line stitch dictionary available.
Below are the works Sharon Boggon is sending for CYBER FYBER.

Above: Sharon Boggon's postcard Two Fiddlers. Click on images to enlarge.)

Above: Sharon Boggon's postcard Ifootprint.

Above: Sharon Boggon's postcard Dragonfly.
(Below: Comments by Susan Lenz about selecting Sharon Boggon for CYBER FYBER's invitational art exhibition.)
Long before I knew what a blog was, I created a bibliography for the classes I taught through the South Carolina Arts Commission's Artist-in-residence program. It functioned as a way to quickly, easily, and effectively put information and resources into the hands of public school teachers. This bibliography has also been distributed to adults I've taught. Copies are available at Mouse House, my business, and in my all times. From the beginning, Sharon B's STITCH DICTIONARY has been included as the very best place to learn embroidery stitches. During 2007, I followed several blogs participating in Sharon B's "Take a Stitch Tuesday" challenge. Though I was not a member, I learned so very, very much. During 2008, I have enjoyed the work of those participating in Sharon B's "Take in Further Challenge". I am truly in awe of Sharon Boggon, her organizational skills, her willingness to impart love and learning in fibers, and her beautiful stitching. Sharon's blog is here.
--Susan Lenz
Below are the works Sharon Boggon is sending for CYBER FYBER.

Above: Sharon Boggon's postcard Two Fiddlers. Click on images to enlarge.)

Above: Sharon Boggon's postcard Ifootprint.

Above: Sharon Boggon's postcard Dragonfly.
(Below: Comments by Susan Lenz about selecting Sharon Boggon for CYBER FYBER's invitational art exhibition.)
Long before I knew what a blog was, I created a bibliography for the classes I taught through the South Carolina Arts Commission's Artist-in-residence program. It functioned as a way to quickly, easily, and effectively put information and resources into the hands of public school teachers. This bibliography has also been distributed to adults I've taught. Copies are available at Mouse House, my business, and in my all times. From the beginning, Sharon B's STITCH DICTIONARY has been included as the very best place to learn embroidery stitches. During 2007, I followed several blogs participating in Sharon B's "Take a Stitch Tuesday" challenge. Though I was not a member, I learned so very, very much. During 2008, I have enjoyed the work of those participating in Sharon B's "Take in Further Challenge". I am truly in awe of Sharon Boggon, her organizational skills, her willingness to impart love and learning in fibers, and her beautiful stitching. Sharon's blog is here.
--Susan Lenz
Doreen and Ebony Grey, Cyber Friends
Doreen Grey is a cyber friend to many, including CYBER FYBER. She was instrumental as a sounding board, proofreader, and site monitor. Doreen is also a modern day example of the grandmother teaching stitches to her nine-year old granddaughter Ebony, along with modern techniques and Internet exposure. Doreen is sending a piece especially created for the exhibition and Ebony’s first quilt. Ebony has traded over forty ATC cards internationally with her grandmother’s help. Several stitchers following the blog donated the quilt’s fabric.

(Click on image to enlarge. Above: Ebony's first quilt. To read about it's creation, click here.)

(Above: Doreen Grey's art quilt for CYBER FYBER. Below: Detail. Click on images to enlarge.)

(Below: Additional comments by Susan Lenz about selecting Doreen Grey for CYBER FYBER.)
For me, Doreen is one of the best reasons to establish an Internet community of like-minded artists. She is a FRIEND. Her comments are always supportive. Her blog is filled with inspiration about art, family, and life. She is generous and helpful. With her encouragement and proofreading skills, I was able to take on the task of creating CYBER FYBER. She was the first person to mail anything to me...quite unexpected...and it included my first fiber ATC and my first handmade postcard! I couldn't have tackled making these things without having the opportunity to study these in detail. Doreen provided addresses for other bloggers and volunteered to help, even before I could ask. Doreen's faithful completion of the weekly "Take a Stitch Tuesday" challenge through 2007 taught me loads about embroidery too.
--Susan Lenz

(Click on image to enlarge. Above: Ebony's first quilt. To read about it's creation, click here.)

(Above: Doreen Grey's art quilt for CYBER FYBER. Below: Detail. Click on images to enlarge.)

(Below: Additional comments by Susan Lenz about selecting Doreen Grey for CYBER FYBER.)
For me, Doreen is one of the best reasons to establish an Internet community of like-minded artists. She is a FRIEND. Her comments are always supportive. Her blog is filled with inspiration about art, family, and life. She is generous and helpful. With her encouragement and proofreading skills, I was able to take on the task of creating CYBER FYBER. She was the first person to mail anything to me...quite unexpected...and it included my first fiber ATC and my first handmade postcard! I couldn't have tackled making these things without having the opportunity to study these in detail. Doreen provided addresses for other bloggers and volunteered to help, even before I could ask. Doreen's faithful completion of the weekly "Take a Stitch Tuesday" challenge through 2007 taught me loads about embroidery too.
--Susan Lenz
Friday, January 11, 2008
Corinne Stubson, fiber books

(Above and below: Flower Girl, altered book by Corinne Stubson. Click on images to enlarge.)

Corinne Stubson is a self-taught artist whose work with altered and artist books often includes lots of interesting fibers. She is one of the support team members of the Altered Book Yahoo Group and blogs about her creative journey. She has created a unique artist book especially for CYBER FYBER.
--Susan Lenz
Corinne's Statement for Flower Girl:
I created Flower Girl from my love of gardening, books, and Marimekko fabrics. For many years, the wonderful graphics, colors and design from Marimekko have fascinated me. When I was invited to exhibit my altered book sculpture art at CYBER FIBER, I knew I wanted to include my ‘loves’ in my artwork.
This ‘old girl’ has several of my humorous tendencies incorporated into her. For instance, the little door on the front cover has a latch to open it…but the latch isn’t necessary because the book cover opens anyway. The word ‘Secret’ on the door is a little enticement for the viewer…which few resist - inside the little door is the viewer’s peeking being ‘found out’….with the stamped words: “I knew you’d look”.
Living in the Pacific Northwest for over 30 years has given this native Southern Californian a great appreciation for sunshine, gardening, water, flowers and warmth. I have incorporated my visual conception of these elements into ‘Flower Girl’ through the use of fabric and color. Where I wanted embellishment, I added acrylic paint, silk flowers, and a few strategically placed appliques. The addition of the collage image (from Ten Two Studios) of ‘Mother Nature’, inside the book, is my way of saying one can never have too much of a good thing!
Flower power to ALL people!
Corinne Stubson, mixed media and book artist
Medford, Oregon
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Penny Sisto, art quilter

(Above: Detail of Penny Sisto's Strange Fruit VI. Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Detail of Penny Sisto's Strange Fruit VI. Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Detail of Penny Sisto's Strange Fruit VI. Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Penny Sisto's Strange Fruit VI. 54" x 40". Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Detail of Penny Sisto's Flying with a Pink Dress. Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Detail of Penny Sisto's Flying with a Pink Dress. Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Penny Sisto's Flying with a Pink Dress. 56" x 41". Click on image to enlarge.)
Penny Sisto is a professional fiber artist who uses her website as a tool to reach new audiences and connect with other fiber artists. Her work is about the diversity of people. She is sending two art quilts from her Slavery series for CYBER FYBER, including Flying in a Pink Dress (2007) and Strange Fruit VI.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Beate Knappe, Embellishing

(Above: Detail, Autumn at the Forest by Beate Knappe.)

(Click on any image to enlarge. Autumn at the Forest by Beate Knappe.)

(Above: Another detail of Beate Knappe's Autumn at the Forest.)

(Click on any image to enlarge. Beate Knappe's My Funny Jolly Spring.)

(Above and below: Details of Beate Knappe's My Funny Jolly Spring.)

Beate Knappe creates and shares interesting embellished works including a production video on her blog. She is a professional fiber artist and photographer who has written and is marketing an instructional series for the embellisher in both German and English. Beate is sending Autumn at the Forest and My Funny Jolly Spring for CYBER FYBER.
(Below: Additional comments by Susan Lenz on Beate Knappe's selection for the CYBER FYBER invitational exhibition.)
Beate Knappe has beautifully accepted her invitation to exhibit with CYBER FYBER. This acceptance has really touched my heart because it was made with a huge leap of faith. Although I speak some German, I cannot write adequately in German. Without understanding the fine details, Beate accepted anyway. Fortunately, I have a dear friend Britta Cruz who now lives in Chicago. Britta was born and raised in Germany, has lived in Spain (and speaks Spanish fluently), and now resides with an adopted daughter (3 years old) and newly born twins, Aiden and Mia. Britta is a great ceramicist who also spins, knits, and expresses herself with fibers. I emailed my letter, Beate's response, and the link to CYBER FYBER. Within a few hours, Britta was typing to Beate. Britta is also now trading a postcard, and I am absolutely thrilled at the idea of having Beate's wonderful work in the exhibition! This is just another wonderful way in which the Internet has formed a supportive, global community for fiber artists.
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